Home of Julie.Anne.McRae and George.Brown

Secret Identity

I’m driving home from work yesterday on Hwy2 when I’m passed by a white van. Not surprising. While I don’t drive as slowly as Sue, I’m no speed demon. But the logo on the side of the vehicle caught my eye. Hey! I made that logo! I haven’t seen their van before. I didn’t even know if they were still in business. Good to...

May Long Weekend

Typical Alberta long weekend. One weather extreme to the next. We try to get a few chores done, and some are accomplished. Cleaning the shed, hauling in some hay for the summer months, purchase the bedding plants and vegetables. But Sunday afternoon turns to cold rain, and Monday morning we wake up to snow and minus 4, so things have to slow down...

We didn’t start the fire…

It is within a week of that day eleven years ago when the Scourge and George celebrated his birthday with the grass fire that opened up our backyard. So when George was driving home last night and saw plumes of smoke in our general direction, he called from his cell phone and asked “Is the Scourge back from Toronto?” From the deck off the...

Two man job? Hah!

A smart person can replace the other ‘man’ with five chairs, six lengths of twine and a seven foot poplar branch. Plus they don’t complain or disagree or point out when you install something backwards…again. Skydome – Timelapse from JAMcRae on...

Wake up little rosebud

Time to get things moving again. That’s what the snow geese tell us. They are still making their way north. Traffic overhead for hours each day. George hired a tree mover to take care of a few evergreens that would be better situated elsewhere. The knob was a little crowded in spots, so two of the trees we planted some ten or eleven years ago were...

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