It rained a little bit yesterday. Much, much needed rain. But the cold front must still be around, as there was ice in the waterbucket. Thick ice, that I could rap with my knuckles. The pumpkin plants look distressed, and the corn plants are already frostbit from two nights ago.
I felt like Almanzo Wilder (Little House on the Prairie Series:Farmer Boy), where with brothers, sisters, Father and Mother, they race to save the corn crop by pouring water on each frozen plant before the sun rises and kills it. I sprayed the entire garden with water, crossing my fingers.
Hopefully the corn will survive. It would be awful to have two years in a row with no results (remembering that last year the horses got in and ate all the tops a week before we were ready to start eating)
If the geese hatched here this year they are already gone. Probably as soon as the kids were big enough to walk. I wish them luck. Even though our pond is dreadfully low, it has more water than most ponds in the area. Maybe they will be back when they’ve done the tour.
I’m glad you got at least a little rain. Too bad about missing the goslings.
Sure hope the corn survives. Cursed cold climate! THANK GOODNESS for all this greenhouse effect, OOPS meant global warming, OOPS meant Climate change . . . . what do we call it this week?
You do see me glowering your way, don’t you?