I told myself I had to get the car paid off first. Technically there are still a couple months to go with that, but who wants a tractor in October? Oh, I guess maybe for clearing snow.
Friend and advisor, Doug Hutchison, gods rest his soul, counselled many years ago that I should purchase a Kubota. I went with the cheaper Sears, belt-driven, riding mower. Doug said I’d regret it. I do hope to find a buyer with a couple hundred to help make a payment on the Kubie.
This new beast has buttons and knobs, joysticks and differentials. It comes with three separate manuals. The thing even has a seatbelt. It is indeed a vehicle. I’m quite intimidated. Anticipating clearing the corral of horse poo and surely it will be much help in picking saskatoons. But anxious about moving the pile of gravel near the gazebo. Won’t that scratch the pretty, orange paint?
Do you need a license to drive it???
you need safety training to drive that. where’s your hardhat, gloves and safety boots?
Go, Tractor Girl, go!
This thing even has turn signals.
Be sure I’m wearing boots when doing outdoor work. In the photo, I’m dressed to be on my way to the office.
The joystick controlled bucket is confusing to manipulate but we managed to move four or five buckets of manure from corral to bin.
The number of steps involved in starting this thing had us both rolling our eyes and groaning. “What’s that lever do again?” “Which switch comes next?”
Sweet looking ride!!