Posted by
JA on Nov 24th, 2010 in
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I wrote this weeks ago…why didn’t I post it?
First, the dog lived, and it wasn’t my fault .
I’ve already had to tell the story to the insurance lady and the RCMP lady, and each time it sounds ridiculous, but I maintain the dog hit me, not the other way around.
I saw a flash of eyeballs reflection ahead of me on the highway last night and began slowing down thinking there was a deer crossing the road. Where there’s one deer crossing, there’s always another.
But it wasn’t deer, it was dogs – two big ones and they came running towards my car. I know I’m just a little person, in a little vehicle, but geez, I don’t think I look like prey!
I braked as safely as the road conditions allowed. One animal dodged to the right, and the other looked like he regretted his decision and was putting on his own brakes, but didn’t have time to get out of the way. Thud!
When I had stopped completely, I watched him run across the road, through the ditch and across the field – running like all of hell was after him. I didn’t even realize he had damaged the car until I went to turn at the next range road. Scrape-scrape-scraping on my wheels.
I suppose with minus bloody-whatever temperatures plastic bumpers do shatter. Why do they make them out of plastic again?
How come you had to talk to the Mounties? ..were the dogs ok ? did you recognize them (if close to home)
Did you get the dogs information? IF FIdo gets himself a good lawyer, oh boy . . . .
had to contact the RCMP because if the damage is over $1000 there needs to be a police report.
had heated seats.
It was sort of close to home, but there are a lot of what we call ‘DWA”s on that road (Dogs with Attitude). They play on the blinkin’ road and stare you down as you approach.
My rental car, covered by insurance
Sigh… I miss them already
Heated seats, the best invention God ever made, winter AND summer