Home of Julie.Anne.McRae and George.Brown

Millet Fair 2011

George won more first place ribbons than i did, but I received more ribbons and more prize money. George says that makes him Curtis Granderson and I am Ichiro. That’s OK I guess. I’m a big Ichiro fan. I was disappointed that my asters only came in second, the judges comments tell me I removed too much foliage from the the stem, and that is not correct for competition. I’m positive I read that I...

A new hatching

The hell with the tomatoes and the corn and the flowers, hit me with a hard frost NOW. I could see the mosquito swarms over the front lawn, and I was on the other side of the room – not even near the window. The dragonflies are happy and the swallows are swooping, but the horses are on their own tonight, I’m not going out there to bring them in. Maybe the mosquitoes have carried them off...

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