If I ever have another computer crash and I can’t remember the internal address of the camera, please remind me. is the router, and I went up by 1’s. Thank heavens I didn’t set it in the 200’s or this day would never come. And I think checking to make sure it was plugged in helped when I went through the series the second time around (punctuated by much swearing and gnashing of teeth.)
This old D-Link Cam is no longer supported by the manufacturers, so we’re on our own out here. There’s supposed to be a way to let you see the live feed, but I’ve tried that a few times before and just can’t understand the port-forwarding required. Someday, people….someday.
So when do we see Compoundcam 2? Nice to see the back yard, but a second cam up front would be nice, too.
AND THEN we can talk about the Balehousecam!
Historically please recall the original compoundcam WAS on the front yard, and people griped that nothing ever happened.
Then, I had the cat cam that focused in on the favourite sunny window sleepy spot, and people griped that cats didn’t interest them.
So I spent $$$ and a day in the attic to install the network camera overlooking the backyard.
I think I’ve done my part.
Hey, I LIKED the Catcam!
And as for the Balehousecam I am happy to research the best wireless system to put in place!
ps – If it’s live again, why is it stuck on the 17th of March?
a secondary side effect of the computer crash – the software forgot my serial number. I was running in demo mode.
Fixed again….
And what would we see with a bale house cam? An empty bale house!
I was thinking more about on the roof to see what fauna happen by! But hey, inside might be interesting too; just not all the time.
Julie Anne there must be something wrong with the CompoundCam still. Whenever I check it it seems overcast at The Compound?? Waddup??
“The rain may never fall till after sundown.
By eight, the morning fog must disappear . . . . “
ps – It’s stuck again. The picture up is from yesterday, 25Mar11. And also the sun seems to be setting in the north! Waddup with that?