Home of Julie.Anne.McRae and George.Brown

Oh deer

This is what I was hoping to catch. This is further up the same trail, not far from top of The Scar. From the many tracks crossing the Scar it is a popular crossing from the cranky hunter neighbour to the north. Still, the camera was up there for three days and this was the only set of pics in that time. The deer numbers are well down after last winters tough, tough...

Spy cam

Christmas present from the Scourge this year was a Hunting Cam. Runs on battery power, stores images to an SD card, and has a motion detector. I bring my iPad on my walk, transfer the photos, and get it set up again in no time. I have it set up on a fence post down by the T-Insersection (Low Meadow area). A veritable highway of tracks, I figured there should be something interesting on whcih to spy. These...

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