Posted on Oct 8th, 2012 |
1 a) He has tried to come in the house through the cat window.
1 b) He has tried to leave the house through the cat window
2) He knows well enough how to sit, stay, lie down and shake a paw – but too often looks at you with the dull stare that says “No, not right now. I’d don’t feel like it”
3) He doesn’t like car rides. Every dog on the planet loves car rides. In obedience...
Posted on Jul 11th, 2012 |
1 comment
The Catmint (Nepeta × faassenii) is the first thing up in the garden each spring, but has a second and sometimes third go-round as the summer progresses. The two cats nibble at the leaves, roll all over the plant then either go bonkers and beat the snot out of each other, or fall asleep. Definitely don’t go near Midget after she’s been indulging. She gets the nuttiest and will take your arm...
Posted on Jun 18th, 2012 |
1 comment
Am I never going to catch the coyotes? The back end of this one looks like he is eating well. In the second deer photo there’s an unidentified streak in the upper right corner. I’ve seen it in one other photo of the horses at night. Am assuming it is an eyeball in motion. Deer buddy?
Posted on Jun 12th, 2012 |
1 comment
In between rain showers yesterday evening I noticed the family of geese taking their swimming lessons. There are four babies, still at the fuzzy yellow stage. I was pretty sure there used to be five.
The canoe, unfortunately, was filled with more rain water than I could noiselessly empty, so I wasn’t able to sneak onto the pond without them noticing. But I did manage to catch up with them before they headed...
Posted on May 31st, 2012 |
1 comment
I mentioned to George last night that although I remember leaving the Dentist office, I don’t remember the ride home. Recall prescription sedative?
George asks “You remember going to Tim Hortons?”
I don’t, but I know I woke up yesterday afternoon with a cafe mocha at my bedside, so I assumed there was a drive through visit.
George asks “You remember ordering a bagel?”
Posted on May 30th, 2012 |
Last month I returned to the dentist after a many-year absence to discover nearly every childhood filling needs to be replaced, and every other tooth is cracked, chipped, worn down, etc. etc. etc.
Today was visit number three in the restorative saga, where our protagonist gets first ever root canal.
When my sister was last visiting The Compound we bemoaned the industry’s general reluctance to use laughing gas...
Posted on Apr 2nd, 2012 |
1 comment
For this set, the camera is at the far end of the low meadow.
I didn’t think about just how many times the horses would trigger it – it was ALOT. Fun to spy on them at night, tho’.
I wanted to capture the coyotes that we hear so frequently now, but for the most part they stayed away, and the few photos of them were blurry, indistinct night shots.
The camera must make a sound when it is shooting as...
Posted on Mar 4th, 2012 |
Not much yardwork one can do in March but if you’re imaginative there’s a chore to fit even a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Partagas Cuban cigar for George, and a walloping good spring training game on the iPhone for me. 18-2 so far. Brandon has a hit but his position rival has a Grand Slam.
Light snow falling and the breeze that helped to light the fire has almost gone. Yep, this is bettr than finishing up...
Posted on Mar 3rd, 2012 | Comments Off
Mlb dot com hooked up to the TV. it’s not nearly as sweet as seats on the first base line and no one is hawking beer and snowcones but this year this is what we’ve got.
Posted on Feb 6th, 2012 |
I’m sure that i used to enjoy skating, once, although i’m equally sure i was never very good at it. The loop is nearly ready for the Frolic and i couldn’t resist a spin under the full moon.
Is it possible to put skates on the wrong feet? Jumping monkeys, but my heels are sore, and my laces not nearly long enough to do up the boot properly. I have hopes that the dark hid my flailing arms and...