Home of Julie.Anne.McRae and George.Brown


Play the license plate game over on the Compound web site. Lynda, are you reading this? My mother misses your input

The Webcam is live again If I ever have another computer crash and I can’t remember the internal address of the camera, please remind me. is the router, and I went up by 1’s.   Thank heavens I didn’t set it in the 200’s or this day would never come.  And I think checking to make sure it was plugged in helped when I went through the series the second time around (punctuated by much swearing...


Play the Licence Plate game on the Compound Site.

Welcome to Facebook

I’ve gone and done it now. Joined the mob. It’s a research project, I swear. How many other people can say they’re getting paid to log onto Facebook? And when I post here, I’ve installed a plug in that will auto post over there too. I need to know for my web customers how well the plug in works, and what it posts, when it posts etc.  It’s a research project, I swear! I can’t be...


You’re going the wrong way!

or…”excuse me, I think you’re in my lane” Thursday’s drive in to work. I was not crushed. Can you tell why?

Dog Tired

There was a brief period of good skiing conditions before all the good snow was turned to mush by our unseasonably warm weather. Unfortunately it was so brief, it ended before I went out on Saturday and Sunday. I had good intentions to complete the loop, but there’s more to do this year than last – what with The Scar and the new fence...


Snowed in ’til spring

Meter reader was just here. He looked at the south side of the house and looked at the north side of the house. I stopped him before he even made an attempt to cross over. Apologized that I hadn’t finished the path yet. He asked “maybe by March?”


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