Home of Julie.Anne.McRae and George.Brown

Where are we now?

Running up and down the highway apparently. In front of cars even. Frack!


3 Responses to “Where are we now?”

  1. rhebner says:

    Like Roy Rogers sang, “Don’t Fence Me In”

  2. JA says:

    I just found the break in the back fence. Trees down in the storm two days ago. (…spotted some ripening saskatoons while I was up there…)
    Was supposed to head into Edmonton today, but will stay home to make repairs.
    The folks next door are the neighbourhood switchboard. They hear everything and then call me to let me know where the beggars are. I’m sure there was much eye-rolling and voicing of “Again??”

  3. Mom says:

    They just wanted a change of scenery. If the dog can do it why not they?

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