Home of Julie.Anne.McRae and George.Brown

The Dead Beat

The Dead Beat: Lost Souls, Lucky Stiffs, and the Perverse Pleasures of Obituaries

CSS Anthology

101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks. I guess I have to learn this stuff more thoroughly eventually. Knowing bits and bites from here and there is frustrating.

The Moonstone

Part three of the Moonstone. Romantic mystery published in 1868. Some very funny passages. ie. on marriage: ” I agree with the late William Cobbett about picking a wife. See that she chews her food well and sets her foot down firmly on the ground when she walks, and you’re all right.”


Sept 1: Haven’t lost any yet. A few of the smaller ones have a rusty bruise. Perhaps because they are immature and not ripening properly? But the bigger two are looking lovely. When to eat? July 4: I’ve spotted seven apples. June...


Miss Kim Lilac

George’s Duds

For those who want to see how George celebrates Rodeo Week. He’s got an outfit (or two!) for every day. What a dude.

Read quickly, before it melts

It rained a little bit yesterday. Much, much needed rain. But the cold front must still be around, as there was ice in the waterbucket. Thick ice, that I could rap with my knuckles. The pumpkin plants look distressed, and the corn plants are already frostbit from two nights ago. I felt like Almanzo Wilder (Little House on the Prairie Series:Farmer Boy), where with brothers, sisters, Father and Mother, they race to...

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