I bought some apple cinnamon pita thingys that go in the toaster, called Toast’ems. The first line of the cooking directions is:
Place the Toast’ems in the toaster and toast until toasted.
It’s two nouns, a verb an adjective, all in the space of ten words. How many other words are like that? “Garbage” is a good one – a better one even because it doesn’t even need suffixes to make the four forms, What other ones are out there. (No, I don’t mean to include the ‘f” word – we all know it can be any part of speech one might wish)
Our neighbourly neighbors moved to the neighbourhood that neighbours us.
The iron I use to iron unironed clothes is not made of iron.
Love John’s response.
Stash the stash in the stash so the cops don’t find what has been stashed.
Book your book in the book so it’s been booked (that ones a little weak)
I was trying to come up with something using “book” but in regards to wallpaper. didn’t get there.
The caution sign installed as a precaution, cautions us to be cautious.
Fetch the dress from the dresser, and dress so you’ll be dressed