Wednesday: left Calgary a day late due =
to a surprise ‘spring’ snowstorm. Arrived around noon after stopping in =
Red Deer (heavy fog), and Millett for groceries. (How does that =
huge store stay open? I was the only customer).
Julie’s instructions say ‘ a roan =
mare, and a grey gelding’. I don’t see anyone =
when I arrive. oh oh..! When I call =
(‘Heeerrre, Horsie’s!), they run in from the fields. I =
see a brown horsie, and a white horsie. ..don’t know nothin’ =
about roans and geldings. The brown one likes the carrots I =
brought. The white one won’t come near me.
The ‘shy’ cats are all over me. =
(Literally. I could knit a cat from what they leave on me !). They =
flop on my laptop mid-email, crawl under the blankies while I’m =
sleeping, sit on the chairback behind me. They like =
treats. I like givin’ ‘em to them. ..my buddies for =
life. I can’t find a pet-brush to comb them =
Muldar sleeps all day, then when the =
lights go out, he goes out in the front yard and =
barks. ..seems the other dogs on the street like to do the =
same thing. Somehow a comforting noise. ..wonder if the other =
folks think so. Hopefully all those barking dogs would catch =
a burglar, if one decided to visit the neighbourhood.
I see a big new fancy tv, but =
can’t figure out how to use the gol-darn thing. There are =
more remotes than channels, and more remote buttons than stars in the =
sky. I need a PHD in =
tv-remote-ology. Good thing I brought up a bunch of books =
..(like there aren’t any here (!?)).
Thursday : Big wind and snow last night. temperature =
dropped, and no bright sun any more. My car is a big dirty =
frozen block’o’ice. Will it start when I leave on Saturday? =
It’s an Ontario car, and doesn’t know what a block heater is.
I feed the horses at breakfast, =
lunch and dinner, so they keep their heat-generators on. The =
nice beaten path to the corral no longer exists. I’m glad of the =
hip-wader boots by the back door.
Can’t work very well here. The =
internet speed is great, but the cell-phone keeps dying =
mid-call. I think I’ll take tomorrow =
off. hurray!