I just got an email today that was a voice from the past. A co-worker from almost 20 years ago googled my name and found me on the AWNA website. (Aack – what a horrible photo. I really have to have that changed.)
I had to share some of the text below because Mary made a guess at what my life was like now. How close do you think she came to reality?
Hi Julie Anne: Remember me? From the Echo? Can’t believe you are still in Alberta.
I’ve been thinking about you lately – I made another quilt- finally. People asked if I took classes or if someone taught me – and of course – your name came up. So I thought I’d search the web. Pretty easy to find you!
So you’re still working with the newspaper business – good going.
What’s going on in your life??? I bet ……. living in some big ass home with lots of windows and a patio – all paid for – with 2 kitties and one medium sized dog. Not sure if I see a significant other there – think you’re more the casual relationship type. LOL Close??? HaHaHa!
Too funny by far. She got the two cats and the dog, but she knew me as a townie, so I’m sure horses never crossed her mind. While I wish the big ass home was paid for, it’s not, and the home is rather small, although the acreage is large. Lots of windows? yes! A patio? Of course, plus the decks and the gardens and the pond, and the riding trails. But sorry George, Mary thinks we should see other people. LOL!
She told me her boys are all grow’d up; those little tiny, silly, giggly boys. And of her husband, married now almost 29 years. Steve was my handyman when I rented out my house in Windsor, and he shared my contempt for those lazy tenants. Steve also built the gigantic deck at my parents’ house – the one they affectionately call “the helicopter landing pad”. It was built around a magnificent maple tree, that still today canopies that deck, the kind of maple that turns red, the kind of maple that just doesn’t occur naturally out here.
What an amazing email to find this morning. I haven’t worked much today, i’m too busy thinking back and smiling.