It is within a week of that day eleven years ago when the Scourge and George celebrated his birthday with the grass fire that opened up our backyard. So when George was driving home last night and saw plumes of smoke in our general direction, he called from his cell phone and asked “Is the Scourge back from Toronto?”
From the deck off the house I could hear the flames crackling, the sound coming from the northwest. We both headed for the back corner of the property and sure enough it was burning out of control in all directions. Since the neighbours had recently put in a new fence, it just might have stopped at the well cleared line. But it is too dry; it hasn’t rained yet this year. It hasn’t rained in ages.
When it jumped the fence I brought the horses in and locked them in the corral. When it threatened to reach the low meadow I brought them further east to another neighbour’s house.
Several hours and water tankers later it was under control. But things are still smoking this morning. Peat fires can last a VERY long time, as we well know. Rain is predicted – let’s hope it comes soon.
Glad it didn’t threaten any of the critters or the buildings
Was Mulder going to give mouth to mouth to the firefighter who suffered smoke inhalation? That dog is freakin’ amazing! He’s my hero!
NO REALLY, I’m still here! NOT ME this time!
Good shots, if it wasn’t John hiding out somewhere there maybe it was Mulder looking for new places to hide the turkey’s feet!