Home of Julie.Anne.McRae and George.Brown

Happy effing New Year

Prophetic moment – George and I are enjoying the traditional New Year’s Eve sauna.
“This sauna sucks!” I say. “There’s not enough heat. I’m bailing.” and I wondered out loud if this was an omen of a sucky year coming to a close, or of one to come.
The wind from the south was coming up as we walked back to the house, and it howled around the house all night
We wake the next morning to no water, and rapidly realized it was because we also had no heat.

Anyone remember the stories about putting this house together? They didn’t give us the right manual for the electronic ignition furnace. We searched the internet, found few clues, but in the end we had to call a furnace guy. George’s friend from way back, Jim McIvor owns Central Heating in Wetaskiwin and came out to rescue us. He doesn’t normally service modular homes (he used the “T” word, but I corrected him). The ignitor was not working, and thankfully he had a part that worked in our model of furnace. It took a few hours for the water to come back, as the heat had to make its way back into the floor.

So which omen was it – a sucky year coming to a close, or of one to come?

One Response to “Happy effing New Year”

  1. Mom says:

    Coming to a close!!!!!!

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