I meant to comment on the symphony a week or so ago, but am very tardy. George, Scourge and I attended the ESO’s performance of The Music of Science Fiction
Sci Fi Spectacular with George Takei Story from the Journal
It was a relaxed affair, no stuffy tuxedoed old folk. Many TV geeks. Not just music from Star Trek, it was music from movies (Harry Potter, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Superman etc.) and the TV montage was my favourite bit. Snips from a dozen TV shows includingX-Files, My Favourite Martian, and both Lost in Space themes. Tons of fun.
I’ll admit I never thought I would hear the tambourine played by the symphony, but apparently it is required. The ESO plays at the Winspear and the inclusion of their gigantic pipe organ (think 2001-A Space Odessey) was marvelous. The sustained deepest tones shook the seats but were barely audible. The woman behind me seemed a little worried. “What is making that rumble?”
The percussion players were really hopping all night. The timpani player never sat down I’m sure. And the cymbal smasher got quite the work out as well. Big night for the brass section as well. And TWO harps!
Much enjoyed by all.